Friday, April 16, 2021

Well That Was Pretty Easy.....

 The water heater guy showed up about 45 minutes after they were "scheduled" to appear, but at least he called saying they were running late. I'd been worried that they wouldn't be able to get the tank drained, but he had a Milwaukee Transfer Pump that sucked the tank dry in about 15 minutes.

Amazing little thing, and a lot easier than blowing air into the tank, which he said they've done before they bought these little pumps.

After draining the tank, he had it out and sitting in the garage in about twenty minutes. They hit a snag picking up the new one, as the supplier they normally use closed early today, so they went elsewhere and we wound up with a better heater than we expected. This one has a 10 year warranty, whereas most have a 7 or 8 year warranty.

And it has blue LED lights......!


And they swapped out the flex lines, and installed a new inlet shut-off valve.

They're using crimp-type connections these days, vs soldering/brazing them on. These are rated for "Direct Burial", so they're pretty damn water-tight!

SLW is extremely happy, as she was able to fill the tub completely with HOT water, and take a nice, long soak.


  1. Yep, it's always amazing as to what professionals can do ! (Kind of like they do it every day!)

    1. That's why I like to hang around and watch the work being done. The tools have advanced tremendously in the last decade or so.

  2. It's amazing what small rechargeable tools are capable of these days.

    And blue LEDs... You have your very own R2 unit!

    1. All their power tools were Milwaukee. They had the cordless "crimper", a cordless pipe cutter that went through copper pipe like butter, along with cordless work lights and other goodies. Yeah, the tools cost a lot, but I'll bet it cut their installation time in half.

  3. I have come to appreciate my tankless, on-demand water heater.

    1. I too when I had my house in South Dakota, I couldn't run out of hot water unless I ran out of natural gas or didn't pay my bill. My NG bill went way down after getting one and an Amana 98% efficient NG furnace.
      drjim, what are the blue LED lights signifying? On/Heating?

    2. LL - We'd have to upgrade the feeder to the house from the transformer vault, upgrade the main breaker panel and ADD a sub-panel, and tear out stuff to have them installed. One of our neighbors looked into it, and said the pay-back time would be decades...

    3. Cederq - One light is "Power On", one is "Upper Heater", and the other is "Lower Heater".

      I haven't read the manual for it yet, so that's all I know besides "It Works!"...

  4. Nice, now there's hot water. Too bad Milwaukee Tools are 90% made in China, grrrr...

    1. There's a YouTube video floating around about "Who Really Makes Your Power Tools?", and there's like five companies in the world doing it.

  5. Replies
    1. An the Base Commander now has plenty of hot water!


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