Saturday, April 3, 2021

Chainsawin' Away! back and shoulders are going to hate me tomorrow, I just know....

So we spent about two hours last night limbing and cutting the smaller stuff up, as there was a thicket of it before I could even get within a couple of feet of the big stuff.

This is what it looked like after the storm:

After two hours last night of cutting off the larger branches, and clearing the front of the gate, we had this, a huge pile of branches in front of the gate:

And a growing pile of small stuff to be cleared away later:

And much better access to the main limbs so I could clear them of branches before doing the "logging ops":

The picture above is from this afternoon when I started again. The wife was doing KP, and I was on Bathroom Duty in the morning, so I didn't get started until after 1600. I was eighty degrees here today, with not a cloud in the sky, so by 1600 the backyard is shaded, and I could do this without cooking.

After about 90 minutes of work, with about 45 minutes being actual run-time on the saw, the batteries were down to one bar, and I noticed the oil tank was getting low, so I packed it in for a while. So it looks like two sets of batteries is when it needs oil, and when I pulled the drive sprocket cover it had quite an accumulation of oil-soaked wood dust and chips in it, so I'll pull the cover and clean it out every battery swap.

But it's getting cleaned up, and the Tree Guy should be able to get his bucket truck in here next week.

Sorry for the crummy pix, but I used the built-in flash, which doesn't cut it for backyard pix! I had to punch these up a bit with the GIMP, and my GIMP-foo isn't what it used to be.

We're going to have some nice firewood out of this:

And the saw works great! This sucker is just about 9" thick, and I easily got through it in maybe 25~30 seconds, with no strain on the saw:

No where's my Tylenol......



  1. That Chainsaw is pretty impressive.

    Hope you don't suffer too much pain after all of that.

    Happy Easter!

  2. Yes, I'm pleased with it so far. The battery life just about matches my endurance doing this stuff, and always seems to have just enough left for "one more cut".

    I feel it more in my shoulders and arms, and I haven't felt that type of exercise in quite a while.

    Hope you and Damsel have a Blessed Easter!

  3. A hot bath or shower may help also.
    A Blessed Easter to you all, drjim!

    1. Yep, took a hot shower after I'd cleaned things up.

      Hope you, too, have a Blessed Easter!

  4. On the upside, a new "toy" and a reason to use it along with the SLW blessing.

    1. Oh, she did more than just bless it, she bought it for me.

      I'd been looking at chainsaws since we moved here, and I was showing her about what we needed, and she handed me her CC, and said to buy it.

      YES, MA'AM!

      I'm very pleased with it so far. Goes through what I have to cut without complaint, and the batteries match my endurance!


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