Thursday, April 8, 2021

Slowly We Turned, Step By Step....

 And POOF! the big pile of branches was gone!

And they raked up the yard very nicely, since we had saved them the trouble of dragging all that stuff out of the back.

The back yard is cleaning up, too, since they carted off the branches we were too pooped to move yesterday.


BUT we have some more crab apple wood to cut up.

And some more big pieces of the ash tree to cut up. This has to be one of the worst pix I've ever taken. Somehow I bumped the mode to flash, and it wonked out in the bright sunlight....

Today was a "day off" to recuperate, and I'll get back to cutting this up tomorrow. I think the major part of it's finished, but I'll rethink that after I get all this stuff cut up and then have to move it!

Tomorrow all the trees get a "Root Drench", and the ash tree will get inoculated against the Emerald Ash Borer. Tree Guy said he didn't see ANY signs of the malicious green tree-killing beetle, so he says we should be fine.

Gotta head out and get some of these to feed and deep water the trees:


  1. Looking good. Bet your neighbors appreciate your efforts.

    1. Thanks, I'm sure they do. The Tree Guy's also giving me tons of hints and tips on chainsaw maintenance. He taught me how to sharpen the blade today. He has a Harbor Freight sharpening machine in his truck, and spent some time explaining how to use it. He says you can spend $300 on a "professional" sharpening machine, but they don't sharpen any better than the $30 one from HF. They last longer, but he said he couldn't see buying an expensive one for a homeowner when his lasts a year or so under daily heavy usage.

  2. As WSF said, looking good.
    And the chainsaw "fuel" is an awful easier to store than gasoline!

    I understood the title. I think the one where they are plumbers speaks to anybody who has done home plumbing work.

    1. It's been a real work out for me. I haven't done this much physical labor since we moved in here.

      The saw works great, and I'm very happy with it. It does what I need it to do, it doesn't complain, and the maintenance is easy to do.

      The comedy routine has been around "forever". Abbot and Costello did it, The Three Stooges did it, and even Lucy did a version.

    2. I only know the Stooge's version, I will spent some time broadening my comedic horizons.

  3. LOL, spring cleaning on steroids!!!

    1. Yeah, and this is just the yard. We haven't even started "Spring Cleaning" the house yet, and the garage is a mess, like happens every winter!


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