Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Posting and Commenting Issues....


Having trouble posting comments on other blogs, and even my own blog. It appears to be a setting in Firefox that blocks "Cross-Site Cookies", which is how Blogger remembers who you are on different pages.

So bear with me if my comments don't appear to new posts. If it's a WordPress blog, I can comment, but Blogger won't allow me. Really frustrating, and I'm working the problem.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Still Here, Still Busy!

"Busy As A........" pick your favorite term......

I really should post more often, considering the medical issues I had all last year. 


Between having the grandsons twice a week, with an overnight on Friday or Saturday, doing yard work, working on my friend's Fisher SR-2010, and banging away on My Old Toyota, I haven't the time, or inclination, to do much posting.

If I could get maybe two per cent of the energy the little ones have, I could get more done.....

Enjoy the weekend, check your six, and God Bless y'all...

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trouble In The Skies?

 Every so often when I'm checking my PiAware ADSB receiver/display I'll notice an aircraft with a flight path that catches my eye. I watched all the aerial tankers and observation aircraft during the recent Alexander Mountain fire. And I see an occasional EC-135 Rivet Joint from Offutt AFB on a training flight.

This American Airlines flight originated at DFW, and was supposed to land in Eagle, Colorado, a fair bit Northwest of us.

Somewhere on his path he diverted to Denver. He enters an oval "Race Track" pattern, and then is directed to a longer, narrower Race Track, which he orbited several times. He then heads out quite a ways to the Northwest, turns and heads back to Denver, gets in the pattern, and lands. 

Kinda looks like something went wrong. Medical Emergency, or Aircraft problems? He didn't squawk 7700, so it wasn't a MAYDAY situation.

If you hear anything about AA1245, let me know.

Been 95+ and muggy the last several days. Yesterday and today's weather Radar showed some thunderstorm activity in the immediate area, and today it looked significant. We didn't even get any sprinkles here, but as long as it rained in the burn area, I'm good with it.

Got all the lamps, the electrolytic capacitors, and the burned resistors changed out in the Fisher RS-2010, and as soon as I figure out a bunch of components NOT on the schematic or parts list are doing, I'll annotate my schematics, and carry on.

Stay hydrated, my friends, and always keep the old noggin on a swivel...

Friday, August 2, 2024

More on the Alexander Mountain Fire

 It's up over 9,000 acres now, about 14.5 miles in area, and roughly 8% contained.

Compared to Fort Collins, it's big.

But not nearly as big as the Cameron Peak fire in 2020, which was 208,000 acres.

My "PiAware" setup is working perfectly, allowing me to see where the air traffic for the fire is headed.

Prayers for the Firefights and flight crews.

<i>The Fisher Saga</i>....Chasing Classic Parts

  With apologies to Wayne Carini ....... One of the things about working on old equipment is that sometimes the parts are hard to find, espe...