Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Posting and Commenting Issues....


Having trouble posting comments on other blogs, and even my own blog. It appears to be a setting in Firefox that blocks "Cross-Site Cookies", which is how Blogger remembers who you are on different pages.

So bear with me if my comments don't appear to new posts. If it's a WordPress blog, I can comment, but Blogger won't allow me. Really frustrating, and I'm working the problem.


  1. I had so many issues a while ago with Firefox doing just that that, well, I ditched Firefox.

    Going with MS Edge solved a ton of problems. Yeah, it's a MicroSerf product, evil empire and everything, but it works.

    I also use MS Bing as my search engine. I check the results periodically against DuckDuckGo and Bing doesn't seem to throttle non-leftist sites or non-leftist news like Google does.

    Yeah, evil MicroSerf... But, dammit, sometimes you just want your internet access and search engines to work.

    1. I fired up Falkon, my back-up browser. Besides Firefox doing stuff like this, it's been randomly locking up. Really annoying!

  2. Good luck with that. Try dumping your cache, that 'might' help.


Keep it civil, please....

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