Sunday, April 11, 2021

Still Sawing Wood, But 90% Finished

 The last "10%" will be rearranging some shelves in the garage to hold this bounty, and then moving it from the backyard to the garage.

All the apple wood is cut and ready for storage:

And the "Pile In The Corner" is getting more manageable:

And of course, my Field Supervisor is quite happy with the progress:

Still have a lot to do, including dragging in some the ash cuttings, which are very dry, and should burn fine. But, I can see the end of the tunnel, and maybe next week in between the raindrops I can get my 90' wire antenna back up.


  1. Forecast for the week ahead is colder with light rain/snow showers. Hope you can stay dry as you finish!

    1. There's a guy on fakebook called "Denver and Front Range Weather", and I've been following him.

      Yeah, I have a big Monday/Tuesday coming up. Hopefully I can at least get the antenna back in the air, and the logs off the lawn so they don't start rotting.

  2. Kudos on the quick turn around for the little disaster. Also, it's good to have a K9 Field Supervisor since they don't say much to distract you from your progress. LOL.

    We have a bunch of mesquites that need cutting back, but Damsel and I will be calling in our usual landscape guys to take care of that. We will be donating the firewood to the American Legion for their BBQ pit over at the lodge. Plus I keep some of the chips for the smoker here.

    It's always something - even in retirement. ;-)

    1. Would have had it done by now "If I Were Younger"! I brought a bunch of the ash in today so we can try it during the coming cold, rainy, and snowy week.

  3. The wonder dog Pebbles should.

    I'm laying into some oak and splitting it tomorrow. It's not big diameter oak, but it still burns very nicely.

    1. She finds a comfy spot where the grass has come back, and she watches. When I take my gloves off, she knows I'm done, and gets up, wanders over, and gives it all the sniff test.

      Good dog!

      Oak and other hardwoods are considered "premium" firewood here, as there's not much available. I can't remember the last price I was quoted, but I think it was about $300/cord.

  4. A rainy spell has put our outside plans on hold.

    Good work on the cleanup.

    Any thoughts on drying some pieces to make something for the home?

    1. I'm not a woodworker, more of a wood butcher. I can do some things with wood, building racks and benches and things, but I'm not real creative when it comes to carving things. I just never learned it.....

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah, I just can't do work like this very fast any longer. 30 years ago I could have had this wrapped up in a couple of days. Nowadays it takes me 5 or 6 days to do as much.

      And I hurt afterwards!


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