Sunday, August 2, 2020

Katy Lied!

Well, "Katy" doesn't speak much, so I can't verify the truth of the post title.

I *know* I've lived where these little guys live, but I can't remember seeing any before....

For reference to the post title:

Man, this "new" Blogger interface SUCKS! Tried FOUR times to link the song from YouTube, and no dice.

Why do they have to screw with this stuff? It was working...LEAVE IT ALONE you morons......


  1. What's up with the grass hoppers hopping on things other than every blade of grass?

    1. Hah....There's plenty of those outside in the yard. Doesn't seem to be as many as last year, but the dragonfly population here is through the roof this year, and we now have a family of bluejays in the area.

      The rabbit population seems higher, too, but I've still only seen the one "Hawk Strike" that happened earlier this year. I'll have to get some rabbit repellent because they keep digging in the mulch in the front yard looking for things to eat.

  2. I despise the new interface. You have to publish a post before you can add tags to it, too.

    1. Didn't know that....another reason to dislike it, not that I tag anything....

  3. Replies
    1. And of course, they give you no choice in the matter....

  4. They tricked us for a while, saying we could use the old interface.
    I've never met an IT guy wants to maintain two interfaces.

  5. That has to be the cleanest, tidiest peg board I have ever seen. Does somebody take the hooks down and shine them? No grease, sawdust, dirt of any kind on that baby. Does all the work get done elsewhere?

    1. I cleaned everything up a couple of weeks ago after SLW finished up her furniture refurb projects. She didn't understand the you could hook the shop vacuum up to the orbital sander to suck up most of the dust, and there was an 1/8" of dust all over the place from a very old, very dry, poorly finished (looked made in freshman shop class) little shelf/rack thing she got for $5.

      The place was a mess, with rags and cloths soaked with wood satin on the floor, scraps of sandpaper all over the place, cans of stain and urethane and dirty/ruined brushes, etc, etc, etc.

      Her shop practices are abysmal, but she does nice work, and the little rack looks like a $100 item in one of the local "antique" stores....

  6. Agree with Fredd... LOL Mine was ONLY that clean when I moved in... sigh

    1. I can't work in a "dirty" shop. I sweep up during and after a project, clean my tools before I put them away, and in general try keep things picked up and organized.

      I hate scrounging around trying to find stuff, especially tools, and keeping things organized makes the work go faster and better. Even when I was renting shop space from somebody I kept my area clean, and usually wound up sweeping the whole shop once a week.

  7. My dad taught me to keep my tools organized, it's habit now. Put stuff back where you got it and clean up after, makes things much easier over all. Cowman figured out pretty fast that he could leave things around, and I would come along and put them back where they belonged. The downside for him was he had to ask me where they
    Boy howdy do I Hate the new blogger format.

    1. Yep, my Dad taught me to PUT THINGS BACK!

      And I still have a few of his tools, while some others that were his father's have been passed on to my son.

      It's one thing to have tools scattered around while you're in the middle of trashing around on some project, but I still stop at the end of the day to clean them up, put them back, and be ready for the next day's thrash!


Keep it civil, please....

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