Friday, August 7, 2020

Holy Smokes.....What Hit Me?

No, not the truck, it's sitting in the driveway just fine.


Had a really bad night Wednesday, stayed in bed all day Thursday, and now it's Friday.


No fever, but plenty of chills, shakes, sweats, and going "projectile" at both the ends. Really made a mess in the bathroom, but SLW cleaned it up while I was sleeping.


Yeah, she's definitely a keeper!

So I don't think it's "The VIRUS!" because no fever, and I almost feel OK today, but a bit weak from no food for two days.

Been drinking water and Gatorade, and maybe (that's maybe) I'll have a slice of bread later.

I'm thinking more along the lines of "Food Poisoning", or maybe some "24-Hour Bug", but never had much belief in those.....

Back to bed. See you all tomorrow.


  1. Sorry to hear this, my friend. May the Lord heal you quickly.

  2. I hope you get to feeling better soon, food poisoning is no joke, I have been hospitalized for it before.

    1. I seem to be better. Got up at 2100 and was actually hungry.

      So far I'm keeping down a can of soup and some bread.

  3. Sounds like food poisoning. One evening in Bonner Springs, KS grabbed some Mickey D before checking into the motel. Spent the next two days in that room as sick as I've ever been. Then I was fine. 2nd time I've gotten sick after eating at McDonalds. Now the only thing I will buy there is coffee.

    1. I agree, but I'm trying to figure out what it was.

      The only thing I had on Wednesday (bedliner day) that was NOT from our house was the BIG cup of coffee I got at a Schrader's.

      I had a cheese sandwich later in the day, and that might have been it, but it smelled and tasted fine.

      A SLW tossed the cheese. Not worth chancing.

  4. Food Poisoning is one thing!!! Try being "seasick"in the middle of a Typhoon in the south Pacific because the Comode-Door over roe the Navigator and put us there for 5 daze!!! (May 1070.. USS OKINAWA LPH-3 COMODE-DOOR "LaCava!!!) I was one of the 75% of the crew that was seasick.. I lost 15 lbs of meat mass.. went from 175 lbsto 160lbs.. in 5 daze!! OKbuddy ...I'mridin with ya' PS LaCava DID NOT MAKE ADMIRAL !!! The ship had every piece of commo gear wacked out of service took 4 weeks of MAJOR SHIP YARD to fix including 2 weeksin Sasebo Japan!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$US GOVT TAX PAYER'S!! skybill PR-2 USN 05DEC1966-23NOV1970!!!

    1. Thanks for your service, skybill!

      Been through some rough weather at sea, but nothing like that.

      I dropped 6 pounds in three days. At least I got rid of a few of the "Quarantine Fifteen", but it wasn't a pleasant way to do it.

  5. No, you're wrong. Everything is the Chinese Plague now, even if it isn't...

    But take care of yourself and hydration is a key ingredient.

    1. OK, I'm wrong. It's the Kung Flu/Bat Guano/Covid Creeping Crud.

      I could barely move Thursday morning, and SLW kept bringing me water. ICE COLD water...felt soooo good going down, and at least it stayed down.

      And I think I went through 4 bottles of Gatorade, and was grateful when that stayed down.

  6. HOpefully you're over it now. NOT the best way to spend a day or two.

    1. Thanks, NFO. I'm feeling a lot better today, but still a bit weak in the knees.

  7. Dang, sure hope you are feeling better soon.
    IMHO, I've found Pedialyte Advanced Care Plus to be way better than Gatorade.

    1. Thanks, Brig! I'm pretty sure we keep that stuff "In Stock" here. I should have thought of it....

  8. Sorry for your condition. Glad you're on the mend.

    1. Thanks, Ed. It wasn't pretty!

      I seem to be able to keep stuff down now, but I lost about 5 pounds the last few days.


Keep it civil, please....

Seventy-Eight Degrees!

 And for my friend SiG , 19% humidity!  Just gorgeous today, and I'm out in the garage painting some small parts, and dropping the exhau...