Saturday, August 15, 2020

Shingles Vaccination Side Effects and Local Wildfires

 Well now that the email is back working (network problem; not my yob, mon!), and things are getting somewhat back to normal, I just thought I'd mention the reaction I had to my #2 dose of the Shingrix vaccine.

I got my #2 shot a day or two after I was "over" whatever 48-hour bug I had. It happened in the two-day window when I was starting to feel "OK", and SLW got clobbered with it. I was busy tending to her and doing the housework, so I only noticed a bit of discomfort from having the spike pounded in to my upper arm that gave me the Intramuscular Injection, just like shot #1 gave me. Eh, no biggie, just a little soreness.

So while she's in the throws of that nasty little bug and I've "Got the Con" trying to run the place, I didn't notice anything until about 24~36 hours after the shot. Hopped in the shower, and........what's this?

Had a big, red, swollen patch on my arm below where the injection site was. Called the people at urgent care, and asked if it was anything to be worried about, and they said to just watch it, and if it got much bigger, more swollen, and started causing a lot of pain to get back to them. If I started having ANY breathing problems, and/or broke out in hives, then I should go post haste to the ER.

Nothing happened, the swelling went away, and all is well again. I've had some reactions to other shots (the cholera one was the worst, IIRC), and had a pretty severe reaction to some of the meds I was on for a few days when I had the stents installed, so kinds BTDT.

In any case, the reaction I had to the #2 shot was minor, and FAR better than getting clipped with a Shingles outbreak, as some of you know all too well, which is why I got the two shots in the first place. I tend to take medical advice from my peers seriously.

And the Chambers Lake / Cameron Peak fire is up to about 5,500 acres, with ZERO per cent containment.

This is located about 40 miles due West of us, and the smoke is very noticeable, with some ash fallout. The ash is more like "dust", and it's enough to make you use the windshield washers to clean it off. I knew it was ash the first time I hit the squirters and saw the color of the mud that it made.

They have three helicopters doing drops, but it's too hot, too dry, and too dangerous to start hitting the fire directly. The crews are doing "Structure Protection" duty, and clearing paths and fire breaks.

And there's NO rain in the forecast until Tuesday, and then it's a "10% chance".

Gonna be a long, hot dry Summer and Fall, I fear, and I hope they can get a handle on this one. These guys are in the "Hero" category for going up against these fires as far as I'm concerned.


  1. Those who work the fire crews are much like elite military in demeanor. They (both groups) have my respect.

    1. Yep. Some run towards the gunfire, other run towards the smoke and flame....

  2. Good on you for getting the vaccine. Had, as my doctor said, "The Worst Case of Shingles Ever" on the upper right quadrant of my face. Could have made the Phantom of the Opera look good. And now I have major neuropathy in that area. Like bugs trying to eat their way out. Great.

    So, yah, you don't want that bastige hitting you.

    As to bad reactions? As long as it doesn't get throbby and spready, you're okay. You might have a nice pimple show up that's painful, which is my reaction to most vaccines.

    1. Couldn't remember if it was you, or one of the other "Chanters" that got it, but it made me change my mind about getting the shot(s).

      Nothing but a slightly discolored patch of skin remains where the swelling was, and I'm good with that.

      I have some neuropathy in my right leg from the tumble down the steel stairs I took some years ago. Not pleasant to just have a big piece of you go completely numb, and then get all tingly.....

  3. My reaction to Shingrix 1 & 2 was far less than yours: just a minor knot & slight redness/swelling. Mostly just sore for a coupla days. I'm glad you got past the immediate response without further complications.

    1. The first shot just gave me a sore arm; no problem. This one caught me by surprise when I looked and saw the swelling.

  4. Glad there wasn't a worse reaction. Hope the SO is better too!

    1. Thanks, NFO!

      She's doing much better. This "48-hour bug" takes about a week to fully recover.

  5. Glad to hear the reaction wasn't too serious.
    I hope your wife is feeling better.
    Be safe and God watch over you all.

    1. Thanks, Linda.

      She's pretty much back to normal and the wind today was from a different direction, so we were able to play outside with our grandson.


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