Monday, July 29, 2019

GROAN.....This Is Getting Irksome.....

The brand-new Netgear "Nighthawk" WiFi adapter I bought last week just went casters-up.

The used one for this computer arrived this morning, installed easily, and gives me the full 250+MB download speeds I get with an Ethernet connection.

The one I bought a year or so ago for the wife's PC is also working A-OK. I tried both of them on the weather server and it popped right back up on the WLAN, and the one from the weather server is dead as doornail on this PC. No blinky lights, and it's stone cold while these normally run warm-to-the-touch.

Time to box it up and drag it back to Best Buy......


  1. Figures. Grumblegrumblegrumble...

    1. They took it back and gave me a new one no problem, but total round trip time was an hour I'll never get back!

  2. I wondered who was keeping Best Buy alive :)

    1. These days for me it's more like Home Depot and Harbor Freight, but yeah....been to BB too many times this month!

    2. .....You pay for it today!

  3. At least you know what you are doing!

    1. "Troubleshooting 101" for me. It worked yesterday, try it in another PC, and if it doesn't work, "It's Dead, Jim".....


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fisher Saga</i>....Power Amplifier Autopsy

   Or should that be Odyssey ? You might be thinking that since this was the "Original Problem" that brought it here I would have...