Friday, July 12, 2019

Collings Foundation "Wings Of Freedom Tour" Is In Town

And I found out about it by hearing and seeing the P-51 and B-24 fly over today on their way to the Northern Colorado Regional Airport down by Loveland.

BUT...we have a birthday party on Saturday, and I'm sure Sunday will be a zoo there.

Maybe next year!


  1. Seen it before. My knees say give it a pass this year.

  2. Saving them for the "Old Time Farm Show" that's coming up?

    We might take the grandson to that one. He just LOVES tractors!

  3. Replies
    1. Free beats $15 a head!

      We're probably going to take the grandson to the show on Friday.

  4. Might have been neat to see, but I agree. Free sounds good. I like tractors and you can buy a great meal (or some t-shirts) with the money you saved from the air show.

    1. Probably spend it on some "county fair"type food on Friday!

  5. Replies
    1. The V12 Merlin in the Mustang sounds like no other aircraft.

      Pure music!


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