Monday, April 29, 2019

30* and Snowing

Quite a change from yesterday's 74 and sunny!

It started snowing here around 1100, and when the grandson came downstairs from his nap, he looked out the window and said "SNOOOOOW!!!".

Glad I put plastic buckets over the new plants yesterday. Hopefully the buckets will provide some protection for the little plants. I suggested to my wife that maybe she should wait until after Mother's Day to plant, like everyone else here does, and she replied "Oh, Winter's OVER! We won't have any more snow".

Famous last words.....

Have a good week, wherever you are.


  1. Yep! Was joking with one of the neighbors yesterday (he's 3rd generation CO), and he said the same thing.

  2. Pays to listen to the locals.
    We got snow on the 4th of July one summer at Ft Klamath, Oregon

  3. Our DIL's Mom told my wife not to plant before Mother's Day, and she did it anyway.

    Oh, well......Got some big plastic buckets over the new ones, so hope they don't get 'frostbit'.

  4. Heh, Mother Nature bites again...

    1. Yup. Most likely the last storm,'s been known to snow quite heavily here in May.....

  5. Well, well, well. Snow, thaw, rain, snow, thaw, rain...

    How's the basement holding up? Any water issues yet?

    (Considering all the fun things you inherited from the 'Realty Twins' I wouldn't put it past them to leave you with a leaky basement or semi-functional sump pump.)

  6. The basement's tight and dry, and other than needing the windows replaced, is in fine shape.

    They fortunately didn't screw up anything really "big", so we're lucky there. Tons and tons of little niggling things like sloppy paintwork, very poorly patched holes in the walls, missing light bulbs everywhere, and stuff like that.

    The only Big Buck items we had to cough up for were the new roof ($9800), which required removing a 65' tree ($3500), and the South run of fence and gate ($4k), which was disintegrating.

    1. Good. I know one person who moved up north during a drought period who found out his basement wasn't watertight once the rains and snows returned.


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