Monday, April 22, 2019

44* and Drizzling.....

Which is slightly better than yesterday, when it was 44* and raining.

So it's a good day to stay inside (no antenna work), hang out with the dog, and not do much of anything.

Had a wonderful Easter Sunday, with all the clan gathered, the BBQ cranking away cooking some carnitas my stepson marinated for a couple of days, and all The Little Ones running around in this big place doing kid stuff and looking for all the hidden "Easter Eggs" with little goodies hidden inside.

Tired kiddies at the end of The Great Hunt.....

Seeing these three going about their 'kid business' is it's own Celebration of Life, and a reminder that even after all us Old Fogies pass on, there will be others to carry the flame for us, as long as we raise them right.

And I think I'll brew up another cuppa, and head down to the workshop to tinker away what's left of this gloomy, drizzly day.


  1. Missed having a carport this morning as I cleaned a Mass Airflow Sensor.

    1. Yeah, that sucks! I'll work on a car outside if I have to on a day like today, but unless it's a 'get it running or else' deal, I'll wait until it warms up.

  2. Good looking kids! And they are fun, but you CAN give them back...

    1. And we do, all loaded up on SUGAR!

      Naw, we wouldn't do that to The Kids.....

  3. Happy late Easter! And rained out here too...

  4. Thank you, Parson.

    We got showers, while you got RAIN!


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