Friday, April 5, 2019

Let The Recalls Begin!

Our next door neighbor, Weld County, has some serious oil and gas production areas, providing many, many good paying jobs. Colorado voters recently rejected Proposition 112 because it would have crippled (probably almost killed) oil and gas production state-wide.

It would have mandated 1/2 miles setbacks, forbidding oil and gas production within 1/2 mile of certain areas and facilities. It was soundly defeated, except in the urban areas like Denvertopia and Boulderandia.

For the children, you know.....

Well, since the last election put a lot of liberals in office, they decided to just write some almost identical legislation, and get Governor Polluted to sign it, which he'll gladly do.

For the children, you know.....

Uh, guys? You're trying to pass legislation that the majority of the people said "NO!" to. What part of "NO!" don't you understand?

So, concerned people have started various recall campaigns against those elected officials who are violating their oath of office.

Good article here on one of them who appears to have shot herself in both feet.....

IT’S ON: Galindo Recall Effort Gets Green Light 


Should be an interesting summer here in Colorado.....


  1. I live in District 50 and will definitely sign the recall petition. I've gone so far as updating my address with the Clerk and Recorder so my signature will be valid.

    The Senate has a 3 (P)regressive margin while the House has a 20 (P)regressive margin. We need to focus on knocking off three Senators.

    1. Yep....get the easier ones first.

      Get them OUT!

  2. A good recall campaign would include tar and feathers. and a rail.

  3. Agree with Ed! Sigh... Time for her to pay the piper!

    1. She might have been a 'one-and-done', but if the recall is successful, she's outta here!


Keep it civil, please....

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