Friday, August 4, 2017

Negotiations In Progress! **Updated**


I just  found out from my wife that we did get an offer from the nice young couple that came by Tuesday at 1800 to look at the house.

They've offered us the asking price, but our agent told them we have multiple offers (true, but one "offer" was a joke), and their agent told ours that they'd be willing to go "into the $520k range", which means that they just hit our target price.

My wife was visiting one of her friends the last few days, and our agent sent her some paper work which she electronically signed, and returned to him, and now he and the other agent are going to hammer out a few fine points to get to the final price and what contingencies are and aren't covered.

These buyers seemed to be extremely serious, they have $50k cash for a down payment, both grew up in this area, and have been out bid on the last three houses they made offers on.

I don't know what they're going to come back with as a counter to our counter (see your 20 and raise you 50), but if it's at or above $515k, we'll accept it, and then the clock starts running out for us to get moved.

They were asking for a 45 day escrow, and our agent said he'd try and get them to agree to a 30 day escrow, but that was about the only thing he didn't like about their initial offer.

So, (fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed) the house might very well be "under contract" next week.


 We just heard from our realtor that the other realtor is going over our counter offer, and we should know something Saturday.


  1. Snowed on the Continental Divide yesterday.

    1. The clock is ticking, DRJIM (see above).

      I hope that it all goes down the right way.

      Packing and moving in summer heat and humidity is no high school prom though. Trust me. The ordeal of the sale is but one joy...there are others.

    2. @WSF - Yeah, we're hoping it will hold off through August!

      @LL - That's why we're paying to have it all packed and moved. The "small" stuff we can box up, but the larger items will take a crew to move. I simply can't do it any more.

  2. I hope it was good news today!

    1. No news at all today, which probably doesn't mean much. They might still be looking, or our agent tried to squeeze them a little too hard, or maybe they decided they didn't want to pay over the listing price, etc, etc, etc....


Keep it civil, please....

<i>Tonight's Weather from Fort Collins....</i>

 And YOWZIR! It's gonna be COLD the next few days. We've had a night here and there that were below zero, but this week should break...