Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Might Be Staying In Kommiefornia A Bit Longer..... ***UPDATED***

WELL...the saga continues.

The alleged buyers, through their realtor, gave our realtor a verbal OK to our response of "NO!" to their request for a $5,000 price reduction, but have not yet responded with a signed, written agreement.

Unless they submit a signed, written agreement accepting the listed "contingencies", our realtor tells us they could decide to drop out of escrow at any point, up to the last day.

Since this is not acceptable to us, he sent them another written document stating they have 48 hours to respond, in writing, or the sellers (us) will consider the entire contract null and void.

The extra 48 hours we gave them is up today at the close of business, and they still haven't responded.

He talked with their agent a couple of times, and she replied that the buyers will not sign anything electronically, and that she has to meet them each time, explain things to them, wait for their decision, get them to sign the documents, and then submit them.

It's almost 1500 here, which means they have two hours to get the signed documents back to our agent, or the deal is dead.


Well, my wife just called our realtor, and he was like...uh..."OOPS! They sent the docs by courier this morning and I should have immediately notified you, but I didn't..."

So they accepted our NO reply to their cheap shot at trying to get $5k off the already agreed upon price and conditions, and things are rolling along.

He told her it will probably fund (means we have the money in our bank) several days before the official close of escrow on September 20th.

What really flipped me out was I heard her bawling away in the living room, wonder what the ^^&&%% happened, and almost twisted an ankle getting out there on a dead run.

She tells me was just relieving all the built up stress over "having to go through all this again in the spring".....

I'll never understand women....


  1. They seem awfully squirrelly, but might still come through. The right buyer will show up.

    1. WELL.....I just heard by wife bawling away in the living room, and ran out to see what the **&&((** was going on.

      She'd just called our agent, and he was like "OOOOPS....the sent the signed docs this morning accepting the contingencies. I should have let you know right away, and I'm sorry".

      She's been really stressed out the last two days, and she'd just resigned herself to the fact the house would never sell, she didn't want to "go through this again" in the spring, blah, blah, blah, blah.

      I'll never understand women.....

  2. That's despicable, the agent. Needs his ass kicked.

    1. Yeah, he was really apologetic when she called and she started crying on the phone.

      He called back again and apologized to her. He doesn't know how knotted up she can get over stuff I consider trivial....I mean, fine if they don't reply and we tell them to take a hike. We'll sell the house in the spring and be out of here then.


  3. The whole process was designed by lunatics who assume everyone else is as crazy as they are.
    You two are going to need a vacation before you move.

    1. I think all the stress of just not knowing is finally off her, but now she's crying because she'll miss her friends....

  4. Congratulations. I hope that is the last obstacle to your sale.

    1. Boy, I sure hope it is....this is getting old!

  5. Glad to hear you guys got through that rough patch. Hope she realizes how good it is to have a supportive husband around when the going gets tough.

  6. DrJim,

    Glad that it worked out. My wife and I are selling and moving to our retirement property. I understand the stress that you and your wife are under. Also, you have got me worried that our buyers that are still in the option period may try to pull that same kind of bull even though they have the house for a littler under the appraised value. For that reason we have decided to say "NO" most profoundly if they do. And if they back out, oh well, c'est la vie.

    Hope to maybe someday hear you on the air.

    1. Yeah, it's annoying that they pull that stunt at literally the last few hours of the last day.

      And then they took so long to respond!

      And then our agent dropped the ball by not notifying my wife ASAP.

      She was wound up tighter than an 8 day clock, and I'm the one that had to put up with it....

  7. It's very hard, going through the evolutions associated with selling your house. It's stressful in the extreme. But it sounds like you are handling it perfectly, and it'll soon be over. Then life will improve significantly.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Harry.

      Now she's all stressed out on getting everything scheduled for the move, and really flipping out over trying to get the cost down to the minimum.

      I've given away, thrown away, and sold probably $15,000 worth of stuff, and STILL she screams I have "too much"....


Keep it civil, please....

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