Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our "Former" Dogs In Colorado

The soon-to-be daughter-in-law sent the wife some pix of our "former" dogs in their new environment.

The dark brown one with the "eye patch" and red jacket is Coco, and she absolutely HATED to get her feet wet when it rained out here. She'd go pee or poop on the driveway or sidewalk to avoid walking through the wet grass!

The lighter colored ("Fawn") one in the blue jacket is Diamond, who was the biggest (85 lbs!), most lovable "moose" I ever knew. Always wanted to be a lap dog, but geez....EIGHTY FIVE pounds of her?


And the one at the top left is "Obie", who my step-son picked up as a stray, and kept him where he worked as a "watch dog".

Obie only trusted Michael, and my wife, and Michael's GF Jeanine. For some reason he didn't like me, and would very quietly growl when I tried to pet him. The day he snapped at me was the last time I touched him, a few months before they moved.

Good dogs (except for Obie....), and even though we have two more here, I still miss Coco!


  1. Good loking dogs, but why are they in trash bags?

  2. yuk-yuk!

    Why, they're in DOWN 'doggie jackets'!

    Diamond has very short hair, and got chilled easily, so The Kids keep her bundled up.

    Coco had much thicker hair, but you know how it goes. Buy one dog something, and the other one wants one, too!

  3. These dog are really looking so good specially in their wearing combination of red and blue.Also, I am sure you must have taken some health insurance for dogs. isn't it?


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