Friday, November 8, 2013

Busy Day Saturday On The Battleship IOWA!

I'm going to be on the Battleship Iowa all day Saturday to operate the the Amateur radio station we'll set up for the Iowa's "Veterans Appreciation" celebration.

There's going to be a food court, live music, and stuff for the kiddies to do.

If you're active, or retired military, you can get on fro FREE with your ID card or DD-214, so if you're in SoCal, cmon down!

Look for NI6BB on frequencies ending in "61" on the HF bands. We still don't have the VHF/UHF antennas connected, as when they pulled the mast for storage, they torched ( ! ) the cables.

The guys from the Midway radio club will be coming up one of these days to help us reconnect them, and then we'll have a MARS digipeater set up on 2 Meters.

And yes, I'll be taking my camera this time!


  1. I did, and I'm beat!

    Met a gentleman who was the Radio Officer aboard the Iowa during the Korean War, and a WWII vet who was a Fire Control Officer aboard the Iowa.

    Both amazing gentlemen, with quite some stories to tell!


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