Saturday, November 2, 2013

meh....Got Nuthin' Today. Going To "Operation Comedy" Tonight

Just seem to be really full of "meh" the last few days.

Finished the CCTV rebuild, and amazingly, *everything* works! Finished it about 1700 on Friday. The managers should be really surprised at how much better the picture looks.

Went to my radio club's "First Saturday of the Month" breakfast, and then mentored an exam session for Commercial and Amateur radio licensing.

Passed one new GROL (used to be 1st Class Radiotelephone), passed one guy's Radar Endorsement, passed one lady's GMDSS Operator/Maintainer (she works on a cruise ship, and this gets her a promotion), and one young guy about 12 years old passed his Technician Class Ham test with a score of 100%.

Then I came home and took a 2 hour "nap"!

Tonight we're going to meet some friends at the Think Cafe in San Pedro for dinner, and then head out to see "Operation Comedy" at the Warner Grand Theater.

Should be a pleasnat evening with good friends, and good comedy, for a good cause.

Maybe it'll help take my sweet wife's mind off the NINE THOUSAND DOLLAR PER YEAR pay cut she was notified of Friday afternoon.

Post coming on that, just not sure how to write it.....


  1. Sorry to hear about the wive's pay cut. Big bro lost his job with the sequester, I'm helping out as I can, with cancer, other job options aren't there.

    I've been off a week, just chilling at home after a weekend at a B and B. Doing some house rewiring, a lot of baking for the freezer. Going to be hard to go back to work. :-)

  2. Ouch!!! Glad you got the wiring done with no more holes in the body though!


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