Monday, June 1, 2020


Just heard on the scanner that a BOLO has been issued for two heavyset men in a gold Jeep Cherokee. They were talking with the people who called it in that they were "Looking for anarchists to shoot", and were heavily armed with "assault type rifles and pistols".

Earlier I head discussion of stretchers and a triage unit being set up "In case we need it tonight".

And some of the "Federal" frequencies I have programmed in are lighting up, and I've never seen that here.....

If I had a better antenna, aimed South towards Denver, I could probably get some of their wide-area coverage repeaters, but 60~70 miles is just too far with the little whip antenna I have on it.

Think I'll go clean some stuff, and inventory some other stuff, and get a few other things ready-to-use.........

1950MST - Colorado State Police just nailed a group making Molotov Cocktails at Colfax and Broadway, near City Center Park, next to the State Capitol.....


  1. Replies
    1. Nothing from Weld County Sheriff, either....

  2. You think they are heading your way? They did say they were heading out to the suburbs for further mischief and mayhem... But 70 miles,, do they have enough gas money or bus fare?

    1. The Denver area has plenty to keep them busy......

  3. "What does anyone need an AR-15 for?"
    Has been answered.
    Thanks leftists!

  4. Replies
    1. It's been pretty quiet up here. With the University shut down due to The Virus, all the youngsters have gone home.

  5. You clearly need a taller mast.

  6. Yeah, that would be nice.

    Not gonna happen, but it would be nice.....

  7. Replies
    1. Boy you got that right!

      If this keeps up much longer people are going to start shooting.

      Reading the MSM indicates things were "quiet" in Denver last night, if you discount all the (limited) stuff I heard on the scanner.....

  8. I got an urgent text from a friend in Red Bluff that there was a protest going on at the old court house, and the PD had LEOs on the roof in riot gear over watching. She kept saying "why are the protesters coming to our little town?"

    1. These are NOT "spontaneous outbreaks" as the MSM would have us believe. They're all wearing the same "uniform", they all have the same professionally printed signs, why are pallets of bricks mysteriously appearing?

      This is an organized, well-funded ATTACK on the United States, and I wish more people would wake up and see it for what it is!


Keep it civil, please....

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