Monday, June 22, 2020

Sad News.......R.I.P. Our Beloved Little Coco

SLW just told me that one of The Kids' dogs (well, "our" dog, too), Coco, passed away this morning.

Our son told SLW  he thought she'd been having seizures, and was acting "strange" the last few days.

No information other than that at this time, and our son took her up to one of the clan's houses in the mountains to lay her to rest.

The Little Guy doesn't know yet, and I'm wondering how he'll take it.

R.I.P. little one. You'll be sorely missed.....


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this; they are a member of the family.

  2. Yeah, she was the feisty one, always ready to play until she was exhausted, and then she'd climb up into my lap to sleep.

  3. Sorry to hear it. Never gets any easier.

    1. TLG will spend the night at Nana's house, and they'll tell him tomorrow.

      How do you explain death to a three-year old?

  4. So sorry! We love our dogs.

    1. Yes we do. They're far more than just "pets", they're living, breathing family members, and we all mourn when one passes.

  5. I'm sorry. They work their way into our hearts and it hurts when they leave us.

    1. I saw a meme some time ago that said while they were only in our lives a short time, we were in their lives the entire time. That pup was loved and taken care of, and lived a good life. Our son said she didn't really suffer, and he was there at the end, along with the other two family dogs.

      And it hurts.....

  6. Sorry to hear that. As everyone says, they’re family.

    It never gets easier but I suppose I wouldn’t want to know anyone that it got easier for!

    1. Thanks, SiG.

      She was a good dog. Very loyal, loving, and playful, and even thought she didn't live with us, her and I had a special bond from when she was a puppy, and I was the only one home all day to watch over her.

  7. Condolences to all. *hugs* ♥

  8. My condolences to you and your family. A dog's love is so innocent and full. Their passing is painful.

    I do not now know God's design of the Universe. I would hope that God has preserved the spirits of our pets beyond their lives. I know from some experiences after the loss of a pet that they have some existence beyond the corporeal. My hope is that I will get to experience those pets again in an afterlife.

  9. Thanks, BillB. They're like little children in that their love is unconditional.

    Since their spirit and love continues to live in us, like His spirit and love do, I think there will be dogs in Heaven......

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, NFO. We have many happy memories of when she was a just-weaned pup at our house, and how she'd play with our other dog.

  11. It's hard to loose a family pet. Sorry for your loss.
    I've loved and lost more than a few, but there are always the special ones that truly tug at your heart strings.

    1. She was the "fiestyest" dog I've ever known.


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