Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hey, Kids! Turn In Your Mom And Dad And Win Valuable Prizes!

This is downright freakin' scary!

Federal Government Graduates First Class Of Homeland Youths

Wonder if they'll be wearing brown shirts, or black?


  1. Probably Obama T-shirts... sigh Scary at best, don't EVEN want to go there at worst...

  2. SEIU Purple...

    Standing around on union pay, zimply followink orders. Yahwohl?

  3. drjim,

    What disasters these full time employees are supposed to handle is not made clear. Who authorized these people, and did they know what they were authorizing?


  4. As Mr. Spock would say...."Unknown Captain".


Keep it civil, please....

For Phil......

 My buddy Phil from Bustednuckles brought up a good point on my previous post. Since I have things on the engine torn down this far: It wou...