Monday, October 29, 2012

To All My Friends In The Path of Hurricane Sandy

I'll be praying for you all to be safe, warm, and dry.

I know most of you are far, far better prepared than John Q. Public, and for that I'm thankful.

And while I don't know all of you on a truly personal level, other than the few I've directly talked to or corresponded with, I consider you to be part of my family.

Be safe, my friends.......




  1. Much appreciated. As of this writing, Murphy and I still have power and plenty of provisions. If a tree doesn't smack the house and if the plane survives out at the airport, I'll consider us blessed indeed.

  2. Thanks, we came through no problems. The NE not so much... Prayers for them


Keep it civil, please....

<i>Tonight's Weather from Fort Collins....</i>

 And YOWZIR! It's gonna be COLD the next few days. We've had a night here and there that were below zero, but this week should break...