Saturday, June 24, 2023

Race Day!

 On a fairly small scale. Since TLG made an unexpected (by me) visit for an overnighter, I was stuck on what to do when it was my turn to goof off with him.

So I got out the two little R/C trucks, charged the batteries, and off we went!

We had a ball running them up, down, and around the cul-de-sac here, and up into the front yard. These little "1/12th Scale" 4WD trucks are pretty quick, and can handle some impressive stunts, but they bog down in tall grass, and just spin all 4 tires. I had planned driving in the ground rods for the antennas today, but that got put on hold, and tomorrow is TNLG's 2nd birthday, so we'll be busy then, too.

Just a spectacular day today. Sunny, blue skies, mid 70's, and light breezes. Just delightful.

Hope you all have a Blessed Sunday!


  1. Off to DIA to pick up Sisty. When Banner went out for morning business, the mosquitoes were swarming in the tall grass. They don't seem to attack him. I'll take this over the nonstop rain.

    1. Yeah, rain is good, but Three Weeks of it? This is the first year that I've been bothered by skeeters. Usually they don't bother me, but this year I've had to swat quite a few. Went and got two bug zappers at Home Depot, so we'll see if that helps.

  2. Love the RC toys. Love the good weather. It is indeed a blessed Sunday.

    1. Got back from the birthday party a bit ago and it was much fun for all, but mostly the kiddies. Another gorgeous day here, too!

  3. A better day all around. Happy Birthday to TNLG! You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Enjoy the time, those 'play days' are precious and few!

    1. They sure do! I get to relive the bits I missed with him as his little brother grows through it. Plus I know more "toddler stuff" to do, which was lacking with him. He's getting big enough now that we can play video games together, race the little trucks together, and I mentor him while he's building his Lego projects.
      And he still likes spinning the knobs on the radios, and taking a pile of RF adapters, and putting them together in unusual combinations, something my son still likes doing!


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...