Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Midweek Interlude....

 Things continue along at a nice pace, and my recovery is going quite well. I'm 90% pain-free, and if it wasn't for this &&^*%$!! catheter and collection device, I'd say I'm back to 95% of pre-incident fitness. Well, at least for certain levels of "fitness". SLW is giving me a pass on some things, and she's quite surprised when I do them. So I'm back to doing what she'd called "Invisible Things" when I was in sick bay. Had my preop visit with the Urologist yesterday for next week's procedure, and he answered all my questions, and we discussed the what and how of various things. Had the cat swapped out again, and I'm amazed (and thankful for!) the care they use when inserting the new one. I barely feel it when this group does it, versus dreading it when the people in the rehab facility did it. Oh, well.....

As for the Musical part of the interlude, I was going to post the Alan Parsons Project song "Time", but with all what's going on these days, I decided this was more appropriate.....

I always liked the bass line in it......


  1. Nice to hear that the pain is down in the noise. Always good when you can say that.

    I get to have a renal sonogram next week with an eye on my prostate. I have no particular symptoms, but the urologist wants a looksee. And then on July 11 I get to have another cystoscopy.

    The hits keep on comin'.

    1. I think we're both members of a club we didn't want to join! In discussing the procedure, he said I really needed to be knocked out, and the "Bilateral Washings of the Ureters" is damn near screaming pain if you're NOT. And if I *do* need a resection, it has to be done at a different time, as I thought. Apparently there are other options these days that could be more suitable. He's hoping that the prostate has shrunk down now that I've been taking the Finasteride for over 3 months.

      Fingers Crossed!

  2. The bad part of getting old is no OEM replacement parts. Good luck with the urologist.

  3. Glad to hear that your recovery is moving apace. May it continue, and accelerate! I will have several stents inserted at the end of next week, in lieu of a triple bypass. Fortunately, the expected recovery time for that is only 24 hours, give or take.

  4. Good news. One more issue and hopefully fixed soonest!

    1. Sure hope so! That leaves only the shoulder/neck discomfort to take care of after we get the Liquid Waste Disposal System fully functional.


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...