Sunday, June 4, 2023

2" of Rain and More to Come

 Everything is soggy, green, and growing like crazy. This 2" gives us a total of 5" for this month and last month, and it's only 4 June. I'm hoping we'll have a cool, moist Summer to help the reservoirs fill and the crops grow.

It also makes the ground nice and soft for driving in ground rods, an item on my punch list that should have been completed by now, but The Great Hip Incident kinda threw my schedule for a loop or three.

Work continues on other projects around the house and shop, but I just haven't felt like photographing the progress. Sometimes it can double or triple the time it takes to do the actual project, and I'd rather just get things done!


  1. I'm enjoying all the green but not the mosquitoes.

    1. It's the first time since we moved here that I have visible skeeter bites! LOTS of standing water around here.

  2. I saw the echoes on radar up your way when I checked this morning. I figured you had the hatches battened down well enough so I was not worried.

    We had sunny and hot here today. First day this spring that broke 100 degrees on the patio in the shade. Almost 9:30 PM here and it's still 88 outside.

    1. It POURED this morning right around sunrise. We got .6" in 20 minutes, then it kept drizzling until around 1700. Been cool, in the 70's, and drizzly/cloudy. Tuesday looks nice, then back to this pattern.

  3. Rain is good, and badly needed!


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