Friday, April 21, 2023

Well, That Didin't Work As Planned.....

 Wednesday was OK after the cat came out, but still no acceptable results. After moping around Thursday, and getting up every 60~90 minutes Thursday night, I called the Urology office and went in.

I was up to about 750mL, well over my "Fill Line", so they put a new catheter in, and what a difference! Since I'm in the Urology Clinic, they're much more familiar with the finer points of doing this, as in the size of the cat (one size does NOT fit all!), the different materials they're made from, and how to insert it. You'd think the Hospital and the Rehab Facility would be a bit more on top of this, but I'm sure they have their own reasons for doing things they was they do.

I also got fitted and instructed on a myriad of things like collection bags, securing the line (SAILOR! Belay That Line!), etc, but that's all too arcane to go into.

So, we're back to where we were as far as that issue goes. Meanwhile, the hip continues to improve and strengthen, and the pain is tolerable with a minimum of medication.

Battlespace Report For the Week - We're stalled on the "Retention Front" until reinforcements arrive, and we continue to make significant gains in "Operation Right Hip".


  1. When hubby was in the hospital, it was clear that eve among the different shifts training was not the same.
    Glad you have people who know what to do in that sensitive situation, drjim.

    Praise God you are healing. Be safe and God bless.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I was surprised (and very grateful!) at how easy this one went in.

  2. Getting old isn't fun; there are no replacement parts.

    1. I'm so far out-of-warranty that I can't get OEM parts, and have to settle for aftermarket!
      I'm starting to feel like my old Toyota.....

  3. Thanks for the update. We're still pulling for you.

    1. Well, it's an issue that was on top of the pile and under active discussion, and then this hip thing happened. The Hospital picked up on it right away, and then we got Urology involved, and here we are.

  4. That's not good. Hope it is not hard to get it worked out. Get better quickly.

    1. The new "rigging" they used at the Urology Clinic is far superior to what I came home with. Much more comfortable and flexible. We just have to wait for the system to grind out approvals and schedules so the Doctor's can do their exams and procedures.

  5. Well, glad for 'some' progress! You'll get it sorted!

    1. Thanks, Buddy. It sure is "annoying", but I'm ain't got zip to complain about compared to other people in worse straights....


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...