Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Cleared For Release!


I'm being discharged tomorrow at 1100! 

Have to use a "Foley Catheter" for a while until I see the Urologist on Thursday, and they figure out this retention problem I've been having.

Gave me a bit of a scare, as I was passing some blood, but that seems to have cleared up overnight, and now the color in the bag is normal.

We ALL gave a huge sigh of relief thlis morning.

I think I see an MRI in the near future to give us a better view on things.

Pain management is going well, and I'm taking 4~6 Tramadol per day, depending on how much I hurt. Follow-up with the Orthopedic Surgeon is the 27th, and I'll have him look at my right knee, too. I think I twisted it when I fell, but the pain from that was so far down in the noise that I didn't notice it until my hip  improved and I was off the heavy duty pain meds.

It's been a trial, but the Psalms and Proverbs helped keep my sanity and gave me comfort. I'm also very thankful for having such good medical care, and the help my wife, family, and friends provided and offered.

So I'm "Number 1 On The Runway", and we're at T-minus 26 hours and counting.

I got out of this pretty light compared to what it could have been, and for that I'm extremely grateful.


  1. Replies
    1. And it's almost FOUR WEEKS since I quit smoking!

  2. Sounds like things are moving along. Damsel and I are wishing you a speedy recovery.

  3. Praise the Lord! Good to read, drjim.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Good to hear you're on the road to recovery and may you keep doing so. Be sure to do the physio if they offer it, it helps a lot.

    1. Yep....Now I have to remember NOT to get overconfident

  5. Glad you are going home. Pebbles will be pleased.
    The problem with getting older is we don't heal as well as we did in our younger days and replacement parts aren't available.
    One bright spot! Quitting smoking while in the hands of the medical types would have been a bitch.

    1. The speed of my recovery has surprised a lot of the staff here. I was doing things the day after surgery that surprised the staff at PVH.

  6. BTW, blogger stopped accepting posts to your original hip problem posting rather quickly, so I would expect lots of lost comments.

    What I wanted to add to it was some interesting data from some medical research from a few years back. A researcher was trying to figure out what told the body to maintain or create bone health. He was using a group of college age girls in bed rest. His finding was hip joint impacts was what triggered the body to increase density or to stop pulling calcium from existing bone. I don't recall the exact number, but somewhere between 6 and 12 per day was all that was needed. So, essentially the effect of a jog down a typical hallway in a home should be sufficient.

    I have no idea if anyone else tried duplicating his study. Also unsure if joint impact from one joint is enough to trigger the effect. What I read was merely a brief cover of the study that hit the high points.

    1. I'll check the "awaiting moderation" file.

  7. Great news! Good luck with the new stuff to get looked at and continued healing with the old stuff.

    1. Thanks, SiG! It's been an ordeal, but I'm making very good progress.

  8. Getting home will do you a world of good. I spent 11 days in the hospital in February and can understand.

    I don't know what was going on but by supplying Blogger with a display name it used my Google account.


Keep it civil, please....

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