Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Transisition From Walker To Cane

 Or "Hiking Staff", if you prefer. The PT gal watched me do some more movement and checks for flexibility, and said "Let's try your walking stick". Had to learn a few tips, but I was up and cruising around in no time. She said I'm not limping, my balance is good, and I'm cleared for using the stick around the house for now.

My virtual (Zoom) appointment with my Primary Provider is today, and I'm sure she'll have a few things to add, and test results to go over. I seem to be making good progress, but I'll let the experts worry over what level I'm at, and where I should be headed.

Beautiful day today, so SLW and I might make the trip down the driveway to the sidewalk a few times just to get some movement out in the Real World.

Oh....and Beans....My Cystoscopy  will be done under anesthesia, similar to what they done for a colonoscopy.

Thank heaven for small favors......


  1. You lucky bastid.

    Been over 20 years and my wife still teases me about it. And every time I pass that office while going to another office in that medical plaza, my lower unit hurts.

    1. I'd probably pass out if they didn't knock me out.....

  2. I get a cysto every year for post bladder cancer follow-up, but the Urologist doesn't anesthetize. A little urethral pain during and afterwards, but that goes away quickly.

    Good news on the hiking stick.

    1. I appreciate the fact they're going to give me the anesthesia. I wouldn't be surprised if there were notes in my recent file about the discomfort it caused. My discomfort is nothing compared to what some people have to live with, but I'll take a break when I can get it.

  3. Glad your recovery is coming along nicely.

  4. Congratulations and my best wishes for continued quick healing.

  5. Trust me...if you ever have to choose between having a cystoscopy vs a colonoscopy while awake. The choice is clear. One is uncomfortable. The other painful. You definitely want to be asleep when they jam that rigid metal tube up your wang. I've been party to cystoscopies. It's a brutal procedure. But you're up and about. That is key to a successful post op hip recovery.

    1. I have my "virtual" Doctor's appointment in a few minutes. The hip is pretty much a non-issue. It's the other things that have me non-plussed....

  6. Glad the recovery is progressing well!

    1. Thanks, NFO! The PT gal told me today that I was doing a lot better than I was giving myself credit for. I've just been concentrating on doing the exercises, and if I feel an area needs more work, I'll focus on that,

  7. anesthesia? Where's the fun in that?

    1. Hah! Speaking as a Hell Week survivor, are we? I'm just getting a bit long-in-tooth to have to prove my manhood....

  8. Praise the Lord, drjim. Glad to hear you are doing so well.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thank you, Linda. It's been an ordeal, but happening as it did over Easter gave me a new viewpoint on many things.

  9. Glad that you're on three legs for now. Looking forward to you being on two.

    1. You, my readers, me, the Wife, and the Dog are all pulling for me. Just a daily grind for now.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...