Monday, April 17, 2023

Boy, I Sure Left Myself A Mess.....

 I had just started a(nother) new project the day I fell and fractured my right femur, a kit to build two "better" speakers for the workshop stereo. I had to move both my equipment racks. One was also turned 90* to make better use of the floor space. That meant taking everything off the racks, and stacking it "someplace" until I got the racks moved. That was actually going to be Saturday's project until I got side-swiped by an errant extension cord, bringing all my activities to a screeching halt.

 And the errant extension cord was Terminated With Extreme Prejudice. It's replacement is awaiting assignment.

Today was a beautiful day, and the PT gal and I went for a stroll using just the cane. Down the driveway, across the street, and back down and around the cul-de-sac until we got back here. Almost 1800 steps per her device. I mentioned I'd been going down to the basement to see how much work it was going to need to get it back on-line, and doing a few minor things, and she said it was good to get back doing my regular routine, and she saw no problem with it as long as I was careful and had the cane with me. A few steps around the kitchen counters sans cane was also said to be a Good Thing.

SLW and I stopped at my Primary Doctor's practice and I had blood drawn to check on hemoglobin and red cell production. I keep hearing about blood-loss during hip operations, and it looks like it's more than I thought. I'll save that one for my Orthopedic follow-up.

Wednesday is the appointment with the Grand Inquisitor Urologist. I'm hoping they can figure out what's been going on, and treat it. Gets pretty irksome dragging all the plumbing around.

Carry On.........


  1. Well, you've got a 'project' to complete... :-)

  2. Replies
    1. I've got shit to do, Phil. You know how that goes. My SLW was commenting the other day that she never knew I did so many "invisible" things here....sigh....

    2. Funny how that works eh?
      There may be hope after all though, she did notice.

    3. I thought you'd get a kick out of it!

  3. Hope all goes well with the Urologist.

  4. I can empathize dragging a catheter around. I had to be catharized for several of the bladder neoplasm procedures for a week or more at a time. Gets.Old.Fast. Fortunately, (for now) that is all in the past.

    Good on the PT working for you. You're still in our prayers.

    1. I'm sure you can! I'm trying to target my exercises to what seems to need improvement. Going to the stick brought in a whole new set of muscles and movements, and now I'm working with that.

  5. Sounds like you're doing good despite the trial you've been through. You can't keep a good man from an errant extension cord! Just don't do too much too soon.

    1. Thanks, Jules! I know my current limits, and I'm using them as a guideline.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...