Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Another Survey Flight

 By the contractor folks at MARC. Their Mission Statement indicates...

"MARC is North America's largest provider of specialized contract aircraft and flight crews for airborne GIS, survey and surveillence projects. MARC provides the industry a modified fleet of Navajos, Navajo Chieftains and Merlin turbine aircraft, equipped and ready for deployment. Each aircraft is configured for all GIS applications including imagery and LiDAR installations."

These are probably common, but since I've only had the decoder running since June, they're "new" to me.

These are the various payloads they operate:


  1. Replies
    1. Old_NFO clued me into MARC being a contractor.

      And their "Sensor" section shows nothing but cameras in the a/c.

  2. Replies
    1. And I'm learning how to interpret the various flights I see.


Keep it civil, please....

Fifteen Years of Wedded Life....

   Was celebrated yesterday. My Sweet Little Wife, knowing me rather well, decided to get married on Valentine's Day so I'd never fo...