Saturday, June 12, 2021

Oh, Dear.....Ten Weeks Early Again.....

 Well the DIL's Doctors decided that she wasn't showing sufficient improvement with three days of bed rest and medication, so our New Little Guy will be entering this world 10 weeks early, just like his big brother.

Don't know when her procedure is scheduled for tonight, but we're praying on overtime (is there even such a thing?) for everything to to go as planned.

Latest news at 2148 MDT - Since the DIL ate dinner tonight, they're holding off on the c-section until 0600 Sunday morning.


  1. I suppose the doctors know their business, but nevertheless, Good Luck and God Bless Mother and Child!

  2. Saying prayers for all involved. Good thoughts incoming pal.

  3. All four of my daughters arrived that way and of my daughters, only one had a child naturally. 8 c-sections between them. PPD is a serious problem and we've watched for that. All the best. Please keep us informed.

  4. We here at the ranch, wish her and the new one well.

  5. Thank you all for the kind words and prayers.

    Our New Little Guy was delivered this morning by c-section. He weighs 2lbs, 7oz, and is in the Natal Intensive Care Unit, and on Oxygen.

    Mother and child are doing as well as can be expected.

    Updates and pix as available....

  6. Best wishes to mother and new grandson...



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