Tuesday, June 22, 2021

NLG Doing Fine

 Got his first sponge bath today, and his Mommy and Daddy dressed him in his first little outfit.

 Not doing bad for 10 weeks early.

His Daddy's arm in the foreground, and his Mommy's arm in the background.

 So tiny.......another miracle and blessing from Our Lord and Father...

Had a couple of gorgeous days, but now it's heating up again. No rain forecast until Thursday, but it's a "50% Chance" which means we'll get at least some sprinkles.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, he's a fighter. The Doctors and Nurses were surprised when he opened his eyes and started crying right after birth.

  2. Great news, and he's a cutie! May he keep growing strong and be healthy.

    1. Thanks Aaron! Another little blessing from God.

  3. Replies
    1. Absolutely! I have a feeling he's gonna be a real ball of fire when he gets older.

  4. Our latest grandson (now six years old) was only five pounds at birth but looked like a big mug compared to NLG. We're glad to see this one doing so well - Blessings!

    1. He was two pounds, seven ounces at birth. His big brother was only two pounds, one ounce, and had more problems than the NLG.

  5. Still tiny but sure seems to be aware of his surroundings. Good to see him looking around, checking out the big things around him (which is everything).

    How much has he grown? Is he up to 2-3/4 pounds?

    1. Yeah, he looks at everything, and smiles when he can. Kinda hard to smile when you have a feeding tube in you, though.

      Not sure what his weight is now. He had some problems the other day keeping his food down, but that passed quickly.

      Still getting used to things on the outside, I guess!

  6. Congrats, he's precious. God bless him and keep him safe.

  7. Great to see him, God has some great things in store for him!


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