Thursday, May 3, 2018

Engine Bay Finished For Now

Finished up cleaning and recleaning the final bits and pieces of the AFM, the mounting plate, and the air cleaner parts that also attach to the plate. Since I had the connector to the AFM disconnected, and taped closed for cleaning, I pulled the tape off and cleaned the contacts on the AFM and the harness with DeoxIT 5 before I mated them (with a dab of silicone grease) together.

This the AFM after buffing the corrosion off. I wound up spending another half hour or so cleaning it before I mounted it on the plate, so it looks nicer than this.

Hard to believe that this...

Started out about this bad....


  1. Replies
    1. Unknown, Captain....

      That's why it's on the replacement list. And it's why I pulled "Timing Belt Cover #3" so I could inspect it. If it would have shown any signs of wear or old age, it would have moved up to the #1 spot, but the smooth side of the belt looks good, no cracks, splits, checking or other weirdness, and all the teeth on the belt and sprockets look good.

      It's stays on the list in it's slot, and will be replaced over the winter.

  2. Nice remove before flight streamer! I have a few of those hanging around in the garage....somewhere.

    J.D. Brown

    1. Some left overs from my time at Hughes Aircraft. Those were for a gun, IIRC, but the pin was the right diameter and length for what we used it on, so they came out of stores and got used.

  3. Dr. Jim, I listed your blog as a source of information on radio communications. Included some things on short wave in a recent post, but my knowledge is rudimentary compared to yours. People always ask me technical stuff I am not qualified to answer.I figured you had the knowledge base.


    1. Thanks, Harry!

      Always glad to share what I've learned with other people.


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