Saturday, May 5, 2018

A Bit of This and That.....

Had fun at the Terry Bison Ranch on Friday. Something about that place makes me feel like a little kid. Yeah, it's a "touristy" thing, but I still enjoy going there and taking the train ride around the ranch, and hear the history of the place.

And while the tulips have started to open.....

The iris' are still a bit shy.

And out in the garage, I was ready to say "One Side Is Done", and then I looked at the picture, and it aint done yet!

I forgot to clean the rocker panel and the rear quarter under the gas filler door.

The wheels and tires are a separate project. I wiped a few 'spokes' on one of them last night, and they appear to be a snap to clean as they're coated with some kind of clear coating.

Today's "Music To Clean Your Car By" is a YouTube Glenn Miller compilation. It's 70* today, and the garage is a pleasant place to be while the girls are out gallivanting around....


  1. I now have garage envy.
    Our single garage lacks enough width to do any work.
    In a perfect world, we would have a wide garage with a lift.
    Sigh. You are doing quality work on the car.

    1. Thanks, John. Every time I look at the space and think "I wish it were bigger", I'm reminded of how much many of the early Hot Rod guys did with much less.

      And if I need a bit more room, I can always pull my wife's car out.

  2. The car is looking very close to complete, DRJIM.

    1. Oh, groan......sorry, LL, but I still have another 30 or 40 hours left before I'll consider it "clean enough".

      And that's just getting it cleaned. I haven't really begun to address all the deferred maintenance items, although I have checked the more critical ones to make sure they're in good enough shape so as not to be unsafe or dangerous.

  3. TBR is always entertaining. No law says locals can't enjoy local tourists traps.

    1. You're absolutely correct, WSF. There were places I went to repeatedly as a kid that were somewhat similar.

      Guess 35 years in SoCal has spoiled me as to enjoying life's simpler things.

      Nope, no lasers, SFX or CGI here. Just REALITY here in a way that no staged show can recreate...

      Slowly getting back to my roots, I guess, and enjoying every second of it...

  4. Your flowers are beautiful.
    What is the secret to cleaning those rims? I have the same ones and they drive me crazy trying to keep them shiny. Course most of my driving is country and that makes it easier to get them dirty...

    1. These are aftermarket wheels called "XXR-531". The "silver" part in the center is clear coated with something pretty slick, and the dirt looks like it's going to wet-wipe off

      I don't know if the polished part (the "hoop" the tire mounts to) has a clear-coat or not. To get a polished surface that shiny takes something like Brasso or Nevr-Dull, and a LARGE can of elbow grease!

  5. Dang, I was afraid you were going to haul out the never dull...

    1. Yeah, it's pretty dirty and labor intensive.

      But it sure works well...

  6. Nice work on the car, Drjim. Neat flowers, too.


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