Thursday, June 1, 2017

Thursday Already??

And the clock is counting down towards The Great Colorado Move.....

We've been "pre-qualified" for far more than we want to borrow on the purchase of a house, the wife has checked out the insurance and tax situations, we're still trying to get a handyman service scheduled for the work on the house here, and the clothes drier went kerblooie the day before we left on our latest trip.

The replacement dryer is the same size as the old one, which is 2" smaller than the side door in/out of the garage, so at least I won't have to pull half the garage out to do the R&R.

I'd almost rather get this one fixed, except that after I found out it was "broken", I asked her how, exactly, it was "broken". The last time it just wouldn't heat up, and a $75 service call to replace a $25 temp sensor fixed it in about 15 minutes.

Well...not so lucky this time. She said "Oh, made a burning smell, then went 'POP!', and quit working".

Groan......I'm going to pull the inspection cover off and take a peek inside, but I don't think it'll be $100 to fix it this time!

eBay sales are going well, with half the items I have listed having bids, and the other half destined for either my curio shelf or the junk man.

The next round getting listed Sunday will be some (more) partially restored radios, some radio "basket cases" that were work-in-progress until some of the parts disappeared, and some "Vintage Computing" items, like video cards, sound cards, a couple of Super Socket 7 motherboards with CPU's and memory installed, and whatever else I can quickly drag out of the garage, photograph, and get listed.

And I haven't even gotten to the boxed up / bagged up stuff under the workbench yet.....


  1. At least you are methodical. One of the dreaded questions of my younger years, "Would you help me move".

    1. I have found after years of experience that it's easier to help a friend move a body and clean a crime scene than it is to help them move household goods.

    2. @WSF - It's a fine line between being methodical and going NUTZ doing it all....

    3. @LL - That reminds me....I have to replant some flowers in the back 40 here....

  2. I hope you do better than another friend of mine. They just moved into their new house, and she's having all sorts of problems. This morning their septic tank backed up.

    It's hard enough to move without having to deal with problems at the new place.

    I'm glad you are making progress on getting set up in a better place to live. I know it's been stressful, expensive, and a lot of work but it will be worth it.

    1. It hasn't been expensive yet, but moving what we're taking with us aint gonna be cheap!

      Plus we have three cars. I'd really like to drive the Supra, and the Jeep will probably be driven there as well, as it has enough room to take a bunch of stuff along with the dog. Not sure about my wife's little car, though. She has ZERO sense of direction!

  3. Sounds like you have a handle on moving. Best of wishes for a smooth transition this time!

    1. We still have a bunch of stuff to do, but I'm thinking the house will be sold, and we'll be OUTTA HERE in 60~75 days...

  4. Unless the dryers problems are in the electronic / electric timer then about any repair is less expensive than replacement, that is if you do the work. Generally pretty easy too.
    One of the best sources for appliance parts is, .

    1. I pulled the cover off the back, and the main PCB is blown. I mean totally fried.

      The new one gets delivered this coming week....


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