Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Feeling *slightly* better. Not coughing as much, but still feel like a truck hit me....

From a friend:


  1. That's got to be an ad, right? Maybe for STEM education or something like that. (BTW - I resist the term STEAM, adding an A for Art in there, because isn't that the entire curriculum? What's left out?)

    One thing for sure, it's not plugged in. One doesn't make that mistake more than once, and they don't stay in that position long enough to take a picture! I still don't grab an iron to change a tip without looking at the switch a hundred times.

  2. Yep, clearly not heated up. My favorite soldering iron was a pistol-shapped thingy, with two headlights. Either way, not going to grab a hot tip!

  3. They hold them that way on planet Krypton. Better tip control.

    And, no ESD protection? Tsk Tsk.

    Also, I don't know of anyone who solders wearing a shirt with starched pocket flaps. Or one that's even been ironed.

  4. Her "Glass Ceiling" has obviously been reached.

  5. Also no anti static equipment.

  6. Aren't the solder points on the other side of the board?

  7. 3rd degree burns... And wrong side of the board... sigh

  8. Only one thing to say to this Einstein-ess; "You! Out of the gene pool!"

  9. Is this picture made by the same company that made the HK backwards round ad?

  10. Obviously the sensory nerves in her right hand aren't functioning correctly. Either that, or the soldering iron is not plugged in. I'm guessing the later.


Keep it civil, please....

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