Friday, June 26, 2015

Simulated Firing of Iowa's Turret #1, Gun #2

Several weeks ago the Iowa hosted a very special event for the SEAL-NSW Family Foundation.

One of the things they did was crank up the barrel of the #2 gun in the #1 turret, and insert some type of "Pyrotechnic Device" in the gun.

Well, I ran across this on YouTube......

Enjoy the fireworks!


  1. KInda cool, but when you think of all of the actual combat live-fires that Iowa has done over her life, this was kinda depressing, too. Good on them for doing it though.

  2. Neat! :-) Too bad they couldn't turn the turret and fire a live one out to sea... :-D

  3. Neat! :-) Too bad they couldn't turn the turret and fire a live one out to sea... :-D


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