Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Show Tonight on the Military Channel..."Triggers"

And I've already got our DVR set to record it.

Looks to be pretty good from the previews. Cam & Company were talking about it last night on the Sirius Patriot Channel, and it's one show I don't want to miss!

Military Channel: Triggers


  1. It was pretty decent, and I liked the outcome. 1911's rule!

  2. I missed it "live", but I'm going to play it back shortly.

  3. I don't even get the military channel anymore... sigh I'm not here enough to pay the extra bucks for it, or HBO, or NFL or...

  4. I know the feeling!
    When I was single, and gone for 20+ weeks a year, I wondered if it was worth keeping DirecTV.

  5. Thanks for the heads up. I rarely watch TV, so usually things like this go right past me.


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