Friday, December 2, 2022

Fast Moving Front, and Hi There, 63-9792!

 Had a really fast-moving front go through shortly after 0900, and it brought about 30 minutes of the "little snowballs", which I'm sure there's a meteorological term for.

Look at the timeline of the graphs, and you can see the humidity spike, the temperature drop, and the wind shift from SW to NW. The little step up in the barometer is the front coming through.


 Almost all the snow we got earlier this week has gone, and it was very windy. My winds speeds don't record as high as officially reported because of where and how high my anemometer is mounted. It's in the clearest spot I could use, but it's not 10 Meters high, and is shielded by the trees and houses here. As a result, my "Gust Speeds" are closer to the NWS sustained speeds, and the gusts here would most likely be 40~50% higher than indicated. So, we had gusts of up to 60 MPH or so. It was howling pretty good last night! And the new double gate came through unscathed, although it did pop open. I didn't have a lock or anything through the holes in the hasps, and from the battering it got, the hasps turned, and the gate opened. BUT....the Big Wheels out handyman put on the front kept it from rolling all the way open and beating itself itself to death like the original one did. I closed it, and put a 3/8" x 2" bolt through the hasps, and using two nuts to keep them from loosening. Should be good for the rest of the year, I hope.

And our old friend 63-9792 from Offut swing by for about 6 hours. Didn't screenshot the flight track, but this is what she looks like all cleaned up. Hard to believe the airframe was built in 1963! Wonder how may times she's been rebuilt/reengined?

They also made several touch-and-goes on their return to Offut, so most likely another training flight.

Hope y'all have a safe and Blessed Sunday!


  1. There is a La Nina condition and I'm anticipating light snow this winter. During La Ninas we're lucky to have any measurable snow here in the Arizona highlands. It's dry and cold. Welcome Snoopy!

    1. Do you get high winds there? I don't recall you mentioning it. Cheyenne Mountain is on record for 105MPH this week, with reports for gusts to 125MPH.

  2. What app do you use to display weather info? Weather Underground's page isn't that succinct..

    1. It's a program called "WeeWX". There's a USB output module plugged into my Davis Vantage Pro2, and that plugs into a little PC running Kubuntu, which runs the WeeWX program.
      This is the WU page for it:

  3. North Platte to Greeley this morning was definitely two hands on the wheel. No precipitation unless you count tumbleweeds.

  4. The tiny round snow pellets are called "Graupel".

    1. Thanks! I couldn't remember what the correct term was.

  5. More than once, for sure... And Dan beat me to it.

    1. They do a lot of training flights in that area.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...