Friday, December 9, 2022

Minor Upgrade Issues With Kubuntu

 Not fatal, but very annoying. I have a Netgear "Nighthawk" USB WiFi adapter plugged into it, and while it supports Mac, and by extension Linux, it's cranky to get set up. I should have plugged an Ethernet cable directly into the router and ran that to this PC, as I think it may have borked the drivers for the WiFi adapter last night, losing connectivity.

Running things on Good Old Ethernet for now until I get the driver issues sorted out. I like the new menu layouts, but as with all "upgrades" a few things got moved (simplified, really) so it'll take me a few days to get used to it.

And it definitely borked all the user info in my Ham Radio programs, so now I have to go back and set them up again for my station, Again, annoying but not fatal, and I now have all the newest versions of the software I run.


  1. I empathize with you. Having had to start from ground zero many times myself, I can assert that it is, indeed, a pain in the backside.

    1. The wireless is back on-the-air, and it was much easier than the last time I did this 3 years ago. Still have to sort out the Ham apps that talk to the Yaesu. wsjtx works 100% after the upgrade but fldigi and my logging program still need configuring, and MMSSTV has completely disappeared, along with a couple of older apps I built from scratch. Oh, well....

  2. I use Linux Mint instead of Kubuntu. So far the only difficulties have been self inflicted, such at stupidly doing an install instead of an upgrade.

    I have a dual boot with Windows 7, but only use Windows for a couple of programs that wouldn't run using Wine. I now have a virtual machine in Linux that runs Windows 7 so I don't have to reboot to switch between Linux and Windows.

  3. Got fldigi running correctly, but only using flrig. It has an option to use hamlib, but it's not working. And CQRLOG is now working after I added the numerical hamlib model number for the rig. The drop-down box doesn't show any choices, so I guess you had to enter it. Been a few years since I did this, and THIS time I'm writing it all down!

  4. I should have had it on a cabled connection during the upgrade. Me Bad...real bad!

  5. Not sure if you've tried it, but I have had decent success with Ethernet Over Power.

    1. I have a Powerline Ethernet adapter that I use for a few things, and I'm astounded you can do 100MB/s over the AC lines.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...