Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Here Comes The COLD Front!

 Just arrived about 1600 local.

At 1545 is was 46*, and here it is 15 minutes later at 1600:

5 minutes later:

A 5* drop in 5 minutes!

Local forecast at 1600:

 Definitely going to be unpleasant out there!

Be safe, keep warm!


  1. A long time ago, I helped in a human factors test to see how fast we could set up a FLIR system in Arctic conditions. Trips into and out of the -60 degree environmental chamber for a net delta T of 130 degrees was quite a shocking experience. We wore parkas and all the arctic gear.

    I told Damsel about your sudden change there and all she did was say "WOW. Hope they stay warm inside."

    1. Closest I've come to that was doing Thermal Shock Tests on flight hardware. We had one chamber at 100*C, and another at -75*C. After a 45 minute soak in one, you put the special gloves on, and had two helpers on the doors. we'd do a "Three, Two, One, NOW!" and one guy would open the door on the DUT chamber, you'd grab the DUT, and swap it to the other chamber and slam the door as fast as you could, all powered up with a harness hanging off it. It was quite the drill!

  2. 2240 -3° with 2" of snow and still snowing. This past afternoon it was 46°.

    1. I'm guessing you meant 1940? 2140 here, it's -4, and light snow. Got 2~3" on the glass "snow table" outside.

  3. 8:40 pm. Past two days I've been like a SP 5 at a Viet Cong Reveille.

  4. Yeah..... temperatures in Colorado can drop faster than the stock market and change more often than a woman's mind.

  5. Woke up to 11 with WC of -11, now up to a whole 13... and snow flurry this morning. So much for that high of 28...

    1. The high today was .3*. At least it got above zero.....

  6. Merry Christmas drjim. Stay warm. You and OldNFO forgot to close the gates and all of that cold air made it to Bandera. To top it off, early Friday morning, during the coldest temperatures, there were cascading failures in our rural electric co-op's system and we had rolling blackouts in the eastern end of Bandera County till mid-day.

    1. Merry Christmas, Bill! Next time I'll make sure I secure the gates better!


Keep it civil, please....

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