Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Christmas "Bug" Hit Me

 So I was pretty much off-line all day Tuesday. Nothing major, just aches, pains, nasal congestion, and being really tired feeling.

Sitting here listening to the various street departs and County agencies who are out spreading "materiel" and reporting the road conditions. It started as rain, got everything soaked, and then changed to light snow as the temps dropped. Which means icy roads under a thin coating of snow. I've already heard of multiple spin-outs on the traffic circles here, and people are sliding off the roads.

An inch is forecast, but the ice under it changes things from minot annoyance, to Watch Your Step!

Be safe out there!


  1. Sounds like you are way better off staying home and getting well.

    We're having rain showers but nothing like what you're getting up there. Lows here are in the 40's and highs in the 50's.

  2. We haven't really gotten much snow this season, but the Arctic Blast we had right before Christmas was an eye-opener. I had to go jump start SLW's car after it sat out in sub-zero weather all day. I haven't had to jump a car in cold weather since 1982!

  3. Get well, and yes, stay off the roads!

    1. SLW and I have an agreement: If we don't NEED to go out, we don't! And the truck has 4WD with good M&S tires, so we're well equipped for travel within the County. We always carry a cell phone, and I have a ham rig I can toss in the truck in about 10 minutes. The Amateur Radio repeater system here has better back-country coverage than the cell system.

  4. Out on business today. There further South I went the deeper the snow. Bumper high on my Buick. Sisty's friend in Steamboat said they got nearly 3'.

    1. Yeah, we missed it again! I was listening to the scanner and watching the weather radar. The guys running the plows are the best source I've found for what's open and what's not. It's Real Time info, and they constantly report back back where they are, and what the road conditions are. Same with heavy rains and flooding. The same group of people are out reporting about rainfall and water levels. Very interesting to listen to it.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...