Tuesday, November 29, 2022

3~4" Of Snow Last Night


And from garage door open, to snowblower parked was only about 25 minutes. That 24" Ariens just laughs at 4" of snow......


  1. Sisty drove home last night from Utah on 1-80. She appreciated her 2023 AWD Kia Sarento. Her previous Sorento was 4WD but shift into 4WD. Her comment about the road conditions? "Wyoming winter".

    1. Glad the new car is working out for her. Yeah, BIG difference between AWD and 4WD. My Jeep had AWD, where the Chevy has 4WD. It has an "Auto" mode, which is what I normally run, and 4HI and 4LO modes. 4LO is nice for coming down out of the canyon road the clan homestead is on, and 4HI works good everywhere else, EXCEPT when making sharp turns. Since the front and rear axles are locked together (no center diff), it has a tendency to "hop" making very sharp turns at low speed. The first time I felt it. I knew exactly what it was, so I drive it a bit differently in 4HI.

  2. Glad to see the Ariens get a workout, an easy workout, but a workout. Much better than that electric thingymabobber you had, no?

    1. Lord, yes! With so little snow to go into the maw, I can run it about 3/4 wide-open on the speed selector. Still wound up slowing down, as this is the first time I needed it this year, and it can get away on you if you don't watch it.

  3. Glad to hear all is well.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. This is a La Nina Year, and it should translate to less moisture. All that remains to be seen but so far, the snowfall has been light.

    1. Last year was pretty light here, too. Had one big storm with about 10", but we usually get several.

  5. Replies
    1. Oh, YEAH! I heartily recommend Ariens to anybody who needs a good snowblower.


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