Thursday, November 3, 2022

First "Real" Snow Of The Season

 We had some snow showers last week that covered the grass, but it was gone by 0900.

This started around 1600, and went until about 1900. Looks like about 2" on the snow table.

 Supposed to get another 2" tonight, but we'll see. Temps will be in the low 20's at night, so looks like Winter approacheth!


  1. It looks pretty. If we ever get snow here (and we do from time to time), it looks like that dusting there.

    We had our first winter-like day today with some rain and a very cold wind. It stayed below 50F most of the day. Going to warm up to 60 tomorrow.

    1. As quiet as it normally is here, when we get a heavy snowfall, it gets QUIET. Spooky quiet. To the point you can hear your heartbeat. But yes, very pretty, like a Hallmark card.

  2. 5" in Arizona on the Mogollon Rim. 4" stuck and needed to be shoveled.

    1. Our streets are just wet, but the trucks are out sanding and treating the overpasses. Some areas got much more than we did, and it's still snowing there. Boulder got a bunch more, and I'm sure Estes Park got hit.

  3. The year it snowed in South Florida and I was living in Ft. Lauderdale, I remember it being unseasonably warm in the middle of the country. I want to say North Dakota, but that detail is fuzzy. Point is, the country is wide enough that when one place is getting colder than normal the other being hotter than normal is pretty common. I've been running the air conditioner in the workshop for at least the last week, after going through a week or two in October when I didn't need to. It might cool off below 80 by next weekend (11/12).

    1. When I lived in Lost Angeleez the weather was 99-44/100% BORING. When I was growing up in Illinois the weather went from what we have here, to what you have there, minus the hurricanes. I didn't know how much I missed the different seasons until we moved here.

  4. Doing business in you city Saturday noticed the North facing roofs still had snow. Did you see Denver's 6th Avenue had a 100 car pile up? Three days ago I-80 across Wyoming was frozen ice from Nebraska to Utah. The tow trucks were busy.

    1. I heard it on the scanner. I need a better antenna to listen to "WYOLINK", but I'll get one up soon now that I have the supports in the ground.

  5. Brrr... still in the 70s down here (thankfully)!

    1. Been in the 20's at night and 40~60 during the day. You got some pretty heavy weather down your way, though!


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...