Thursday, November 17, 2022

Flow Snurries and COLD!

 It's 20* at 1640 local, and we have about 2" on the snow table. The NWS is predicting another 2~4" overnight, with temps going down to low single digits.

Be a real good night for a mug of hot coffee, and some work in the basement. The big SX-980 receiver is back on the bench, and I'm doing the basic checks again, as it's been like six months since I last touched it, except to move it. So far, so good. I'm aware of some of the issues, but a new one cropped up in that the FM Stereo drops out, but comes back when things are gently tapped. I know, another intermittent to track down!

Well, that was easy. Went down to take the pic, turned it on (no FM...) and then punched the select button between AM and FM, and the FM came back! OK....another dirty switch to clean....le sigh... I should have cleaned them all when I had the panel off, but it's moot now because I have to take the panel off again to clean the dial properly. 

And an update on the Great Rye Bread Experiment of two weeks ago. I made two mistakes, one major, one minor. The major mistake was not giving it a full second raise. As a result, it came out a bit denser than it should. The flavor was wonderful, but a bit too dense. The minor mistake was not dividing the dough into two loaves before the second raise. It made HUGE (2 pound) loaf of bread:

Sure was tasty, though. This weekend I'm going to make it again, and correct the two mistakes I made. And I've collected enough bacon grease to make two batches of Skillet Cornbread, one test batch, and one batch for Thanksgiving dinner if the test article doesn't self destruct....


  1. The bread looks great and it sounds like you are getting the hang of it. We have missed bread being on a Keto diet, but lately, some availability of keto bread and buns is changing that. It's just a bit expen$ive at approximately seven bucks for a loaf of bread and similar for hot dog and hamburger buns. Nevertheless, we're enjoying sandwiches again.

    Try and stay warm in all that single-digitness.

    1. I'm slowly getting it. Got all my altitude adjustments dialed-in, but missing the second raise was an error on my part. Dividing it into two loaves was something I learned on that batch of bread.
      Got down to 3* last night here. BRRRR!

  2. 17° this morning. Banner is not pleased but takes care of his business promptly which gets both of us inside quickly.

    1. Pebbles isn't real happy to go out, but she does her duty quickly, and then takes a romp around the yard in the snow before heading back in.

  3. 28 in CENLA this morning. Ditch actually looked like we might have had snow, with all the frost.
    You be safe and stay warm, drjim.
    And all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thanks, Linda....we're doing our best to keep warm!

  4. You can never go wrong with bacon grease and cornbread!!! Remember to preheat the cast iron skillet!!!

    1. Yep, it's part of the recipe to put the grease in the skillet, and heat it while the oven warms. BE CAREFUL pouring in the batter 'cuz it'll spit and splatter all over the place if you're not!


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...