Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Only In Colorado....

 Do you hear a police call on the scanner for "Two Men Driving A Large White Truck Chasing A Deer Around A Traffic Circle....."

I think it's better than hearing of another 7-11 getting knocked over in Lost Angeleez.......


  1. Not surprising given both the cost and scarcity of ammo.

    1. I'm guessing a significant amount of alcohol was involved....

    2. They could have made a beer run at the 7-11 before chasing the deer but the clerk reported two cases stolen and kept one for himself - so waited to report the theft.

    3. Most likely the "Loaf & Jug" or the "Kum and Go"!

  2. I worked in a factory, with cameras everywhere. They caught a deer running behind my lift truck, as I drove into an aisle to get a tub of steel, then backed out.
    The deer ran through the shop, and then jumped out the loading dock doors, and ran into the woods. The cameras followed it's path from one to the next.
    Our shop was about 1 mile or so from Lake Michigan, and we would see all types of wildlife. And we often saw huge racks on Michigan Whitetails, due to no hunting in the area.

  3. The only roundabout calls we get here are once in a while a big rig will roll and shut the circle down for a very long while.

    I wonder if they caught the deer . . .

    1. Heard one last year where the responding officer said "The circle goes to the right, but he went straight....through it".

  4. The county was talking about putting a roundabout here to help traffic move easier. One commissioner said that it wasn't a good idea because women would have trouble using it. Comment was not well received.

    1. HAH! There's only a couple that I traverse on a regular basis. I have no trouble going through them at well over 40MPH in my long as nobody else is using them.

  5. Replies
    1. The scanner radio traffic is totally different here....


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...