Sunday, July 11, 2021

New Revolution in Cuba?

 Just heard on my ham radio chat group[s that the Internet is down in all of Cuba, and people are in the streets by the thousands.

Not sure where or when this was taken, but it was posted in the Ham radio group on FB.

From Twitter comes video of the "Black Berets" getting involved.

I'm tuning around the shortwave bands trying to get some info...


  1. From what little I've heard, these are protests about the health care shortcomings.

    1. That's the gist I've been getting since I posted the CommieFlu/Covid pretty much over taxed the health care system, and it "collapsed"...

  2. Our domestic commies must be freaking out right about now.🤣

  3. They are shouting "Freedom" and waving American flags. The New York Times calls it anti-government in a sense that it is wrong. Maybe the time has come that Cuba will become a free country. If Cuba does Americans may have to flee there in the future. :-)

    1. So many of us would leave we might sink the island when we got there!

  4. Replies
    1. Always. My Spanish teacher at the community college I attended was from Cuba. She and her family fled when Castro took over. They lost everything and had to start over in the States. Her husband was a successful, prosperous Doctor, and she taught at a university there. They were wonderful people.

  5. And Xiden's presser called it a reaction to 'economic mis management' not word one about communism... sigh

    1. Didn't hear what he said, but I agree. The lefties never mention the cause for the mismanagement!

  6. If there were ever a time for The Bay of Pigs.......


Keep it civil, please....

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