Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday Night at the Movies!

 SLW and I will be watching "The Maltese Falcon" tonight while enjoying some pizza from a local place. She doesn't recall ever seeing it before, so I'm hoping she'll enjoy it. I've been filling in the blanks in my movie collection the last few months, and this movie is a recent acquisition, along with "The Bridges at Toko Ri", "Giant", and "Casablanca".

In the meantime, enjoy some humor.....

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. All are both true and useful. The Maltese Falcon stands alone in its genre. ‘Sam’ Spade is a private detective in San Francisco, in partnership with Miles Archer. The beautiful "Miss Wonderley" hires them to follow Floyd Thursby, who has run off with her sister. Archer takes the first stint but is found shot dead that night. Thursby is also killed later and Spade is a suspect. The next morning, Spade coolly tells his office secretary, Effie Perine, to have the office door repainted to read simply "Samuel Spade" -- classic.

    1. I hadn't watched in several decades, and it was a bit different than what I'd remembered. Spade was a real "hard boiled" P.I., and you wondered where his loyalties lay.

    2. I watch this, The Big Sleep, and Casablanca at least once a year.

  2. SNL cold open RETURN Maya Rudolph 'Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ' |Saturday Night Live March 27th, 2021

  3. Falcon and Casablanca are such classics that they are almost parodies of themselves.
    The Bridges at Toko Ri, MEH !!! Love the story and William Holden but could throw away most of the Mickey Rooney subplot sillyness.

    1. Yeah, the helicopter scenes were a bit much, but all-in-all I like the movie.

  4. Bankruptcy starter kit? Looks a lot like my daily driver.

    1. The funniest vanity plate I ever saw was on this crazy wild 1969 Camaro.

      It said "OVRDRWN".....


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