Monday, March 15, 2021

Digging Out

 Bright, sunny day with temps in the high 30's, so we did some additional digging out.

I'll do more tomorrow, like shovel a path to get to the truck, clean the snow off, and shovel some more.

The guy who owns the house past the truck with the open garage door is our neighbor who plowed a lane down the cul-de-sac, and did all the sidewalks. We're getting him a gift card as an attaboy.

Quite a bit different than 48 hours ago.


The snow on the ground has decreased by about 30% from what it was when it stopped snowing, but we still have quite a bit on the road into and out of this section of our area.

Again, kudos to our neighbor for clearing a lane down the street. I'll be helping him next year!


The insurance guy came by to look at the roof and discuss filing a claim or not, and explained some of the legalese of our policy in normal English. His very rough guesstimate is around $1800, close to what I was thinking. The major expense will be to get a bucket truck out here to remove the tree limbs from the roof, strip the small branches off them, and cut the limbs down to manageable sections for me. If stripping and cutting them makes the bill go crazy, I'll go buy a chain saw and learn how to do it. Since this is ash, a hardwood, it should be good firewood after it's seasoned. I'm not planning on making any baseball bats or axe handles, so I might as well put it to some other use along with another small limb from the crab apple tree. I'll add it to the woodpile once I strip the sticks off it.


  1. My snow rake has been put to good use. Mainly loaned out to others. I find I'm no longer up to cleaning 30-50 cars like when I was in the car biz. Five is about my limit now. Our maintenance man's truck had frozen door locks. Slim Jim to the rescue. Good thing it is a 90's Ranger. Newer stuff requires a full lock out set which I no long have.

    1. The first few times I used mine, several of my neighbors came over and wanted to know where I bought it. Now they're everywhere here. I think Sid Savage might owe me a commission!

  2. Just plain yuck! I am tired of snow. My big plan the first of April is moving to Alabama, the Southern part...

  3. Glad you are okay. Will look forward to the upcoming "I haz snowblowrz" posting.

    1. Thanks, Beans! This was an unusual storm. It was slow moving, and just kept snowing. March is historically our snowiest month, but it's usually not all in one storm. Our DIL's parents live up at 7800', and they had 48" of the stuff, and drifts of 10 feet. I'll never complain about the weather here in the city, but an Ariens "De Luxe 24" is firmly on the shopping list. I'll have to ask the neighbor what model he has, as that thing just devoured the heavy, wet snow, and flung it 20'. The engine didn't sound strained or labored at all, and he just kept going.

      Yes, you will hear I Haz Snowblowrz in the near future.

  4. I'm happy to bring my chainsaw over, you can use it as needed.

    1. Just might take you up on that, Jeff!

    2. Any time, Jim. OldNFO has my contact info, if you have his.

    3. You live here in NoCo, Jeff?

    4. Yes, sir. Harmony and College, roughly.

    5. HAH! We're neighbors! We're up by Red Fox Meadows.

  5. I'm tired of this global cooling - it's still snowing here this morning and is supposed to snow again on the upcoming weekend. Ready for spring. I've found that for the snow blower (which is a larger home version) needs to be used before it reaches a foot, or it just won't hog through it.

    1. Sounds like the electric one I had. If the snow was deeper than 8~10", it just couldn't handle it.

      The one I'm planning on getting will handle this stuff with ease.

  6. No need to season ash, it's ready to go as soon as you cut it down. The only hardwood with that characteristic.


    1. Thanks, Diane, I never knew that. By the time I get this cut up and stacked we won't need it, but it's nice to know it's burnable as-is.

  7. Glad you came through mostly unscathed! and yes, definitely a gift card is appropriate! :-)

    1. The tree guy called back last night, and he'll be coming out in a few days to get it off the roof and cut it up for me.
      I was going to give the neighbor some $$ for gas, but SLW decided a gift card was "better".


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